
"You are a failure, Boni Khalwale tells Mudavadi

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale
(right) with Amani Coalition leader
Musalia Mudavadi during a past
event. Dr Khalwale has said that
the Musalia presidential bid might
very well turn out to be the most
disappointing and tactless
endeavour that he went through.
As debate rages over a proposed
national dialogue, Kakamega
Senator Boni Khalwale talks of the
blunders made by Mr Musalia
Mudavadi in the run up to the
2013 election.
According to Dr Khalwale, Mr
Kenyatta called Mr Mudavadi, the
leader of the UDF party, and drove
to his Riverside home just when
the UDF leader’s allies were
preparing to attend an ODM rally
at Uhuru Park.
Mr Mudavadi had quit Raila
Odinga’s corner a month earlier
and in the deal Uhuru and
Mudavadi signed, they were to
battle it out on who between them
would be the Presidential flag
Many in government at the time
were said to favour Mudavadi
because of the crimes against
humanity charges facing Mr
Kenyatta at the ICC.
The pact was signed on December
4 2012, the deadline for depositing
pre-election pacts with the
registrar of political parties,
effectively closing the door for any
change of mind.
Dr Khalwale, who was Mr
Mudavadi’s right hand man in the
last election, told Saturday Nation
Friday that all this took place the
same day Cord was holding a rally
at Uhuru Park which “seemed to
have sent shivers down Mr
Kenyatta’s spine.”
“On seeing the threat of Cord from
the large crowd at Uhuru Park at
10.30 Uhuru Kenyatta panicked
and immediately came to Mr
Mudavadi’s home at Riverside,” he
Dr Khalwale said he was then
summoned together with former
Malava MP Soita Shitanda to
witness the signing of the
Dr Khalwale said Mr Mudavadi had
earlier told them that he was the
choice of the establishment.
“Mudavadi called me and Shitanda
and told us in confidence that he
had reason to believe that he was
going to be the presidential
candidate of choice for the status
quo and that he needed our
support,” Dr Khalwale said, adding
that President Kibaki began
sending signals which appeared to
buttress this belief.
But the UDF brigade joined Raila
after Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto
began campaigning in earnest and
“State House signals all but
After the Mudavadi pact, Mr
Kenyatta and Mr Ruto moved and
signed their own deal on which
they rode to victory.
The commission declared Mr
Kenyatta the President with
6,173,433 or 50.07 per cent of the
votes cast. Mr Odinga got
5,340,526 votes (43.3per cent)
while Mr Mudavadi secured
483,981 votes (3.93 per cent.)
Mr Mudavadi would again sign a
post-election pact of co-operation
with Jubilee, lending credence to
claims he had been in the loop all
along to help Kenyatta ascend the
“Signs that there was an inner
circle unknown to us became
evident in the end. But I don’t
know whether money was
involved,” Dr Khalwale said.


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