
UK warns of more attacks in Kenya

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The British Government has
revised its travel advisory on
Kenya to include inter-clan
violence in Wajir and Mandera
In its latest update, the UK
government says “further attacks
are likely” although this is an
emphasis on the ongoing clashes in
Wajir and Mandera counties, areas
which had initially cautioned its
nationals over terrorist attacks.
“Attacks could be indiscriminate in
places frequented by foreigners
including hotels, bars, restaurants,
sports bars and nightclubs,
sporting events, supermarkets,
shopping centres, beaches buses,
trains and transport hubs.
“Attacks have also previously
targeted places of worship
including churches and mosques.
Be particularly vigilant in these
areas,” the advisory posted on the
Foreign Commonwealth Office
(FCO) website stated.
The travel warning is a repeat of
what was announced on May 14.
These areas also include Kiwayu,
areas near Pate Island, Garissa
County, Eastleigh in Nairobi and
“low income areas of Nairobi
including township or slum areas.”
At least 18 people have been killed
in the clashes and police claimed
they had shot dead two clerics who
they claimed had explosives in the
same area. Wajir and Mandera
counties has, since last Thursday,
seen violence between the Gare
and Degodia clans who politicians
say is a result of wrong
Last month, the UK warned of
imminent attacks leading to mass
cancellation of bookings by tourists
at the Coast. The advice came as
the US, Australia, France and
Canada also warned their people to
avoid certain areas.
Although these countries say will
not evacuate their nationals,
players in the tourism industry
players say it influenced the
British nationals are generally free
to travel to any other part of Kenya
but the advisory added that they
“should see our travel advice
before travelling.”
The UK government also insists its
citizens should avoid Mombasa
island and within 5 kilometres of
the coast from Mtwapa creek to
Tiwi in the South although this
does not include Diani and Moi
International Airport.


This update follows another issued
on Friday by the Australian and US
governments for their nationals to
reconsider the need to travel to
Ethiopia due to what the US said
there was credible information of
al-Shabaab’s intent to attack the
country. Australia picked up the
cue and warned its nationals from
travelling near the Kenya-Ethiopia
Kenya has seen several attacks
thought to be engineered by
Somali militant group al-Shabaab.
On May 16, a twin explosion in
Nairobi’s Gikomba market killed 12
and injured at least 80 people. A
number of other explosions have
gone off.
The warnings come even as the
government runs an ad to promise
Kenyans of better security
management in the country. The
ad which has been running since
Saturday last week pledges new
security cameras and other
When the warnings were first
issued last month, President Uhuru
Kenyatta criticised them and
responded with a raft of measures
which he argued were aimed at
reviving tourism.
“I continue to call on all friends of
Kenya to work together with us to
combat this evil and it is indeed
my strong belief, to say the very
least, that acts by whoever, I don’t
want to refer to anybody in
particular, acts like were done
yesterday by the people you just
mentioned only strengthens the
will of terrorists as opposed to
helping us defeat that war,” he
said then.


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