

Thursday, 5 June 2014

The first time I heard the term was when watching ‘How I met Your Mother’ years back, when I was in high-school. Like many other practices imported from the West, Barney Stinson succeed in making this one reach our shores. The Bro Code is not a rigid set if rules that all the men are given and forced to swear by. They vary according to how different groups of bros relate. According to the Bro Code is defined as a set of rules meant to be a guideline to live by between Bros. The rules began as unwritten but have had to be written down since they weren’t being followed.
The guidelines number over a thousand but here is a pick of some interesting ones I found on Yes! There is an actual organization for it. One is that a real bro does not do anything to prevent another bro from getting laid. This one seems weirdly intentional! I won’t argue with it though, I don’t want to be summoned by some ‘Bro Council’ over my questioning of the code.
Bros only comment on a fellow bro’s fashion choice if that choice will affect the bro’s ability
to get laid. What? This explains a lot! No wonder my roommate never leaves the crib without a vote of confidence, we are always seeking to get laid, according to this rule.
A bro NEVER under ANY circumstances gets with or even attempts to get with another bro’s
girl. This one I can relate to. This one goes without saying though we have bros who have neither control nor boundaries. They go wherever their heat seeking missiles take them.
And the most practical of them all! If bros share a house/flat/ apartment, all bros are obligated to stay out for the evening if a fellow “bro” wants to entertain a woman. I cannot count to you how many times I have been a refugee because of this rule. I always have a bag with a spare blanket and supplies, mini toothpaste, toothbrush and so on because you never know when you will receive that call. I was even once a victim of theft because of this rule! I sought alternative accommodation only to return and find my place wiped out. Just goes to show you how the Bro Code is abused.
Bros before Ho’s; whoever came up with this one had his heart in the right place. Women come and go and at the end of the day we always still have our bros, which is cool. However, you do not go around mentioning this to women like some Einstein I know! Girls easily get offended by words so I got surprised when some guy came to my room when I was entertaining and started rumbling on about this rule. Some people just want to watch the world burn! There’s a reason why it’s called a BRO CODE, girls shouldn’t have in on this, well now they do. Oops, my bad.


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