
SHOCKING!! River turns red

Thursday 7 August 2014

A city woke up this morning to find
its river running blood red... and
no-one knows why.
Locals say at 4am the water flow
was normal but by 6am it had
turned a
frightening shade of crimson.


An elderly resident who has lived
by the river all his life says it has
never happened before.
Industrial contamination has been
ruled out because there are no
chemical plants along it length.
Now environment protection
officials in the Chinese city of
Wenzhou are taking water samples
to find out what is going on.
Wenzhou is a well-known town in
East China's Zhejiang Province.
The place is surrounded by
mountains on three sides with the
front of the city facing the Pacific
The phenomenon echoes a similar
incident in 2012 when the Yangtze
River in China also changed colour.
Officials claimed the blood-red
waters were a result of sand
distribution due to upstream
flooding but sceptics were not
convinced and social media sites
were full of bizarre theories
including one that it was the start
of The Apocalypse.



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