
Never give up!! Its real

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Suicide isn't the easy way out as
many people think. It doesn't mean
that you're weak if you commit
suicide. There's nothing even
remotely easy about suicide.
Do you really think that it is so easy
to fight every natural instinct in your
body that tells you to survive?
Do you really think it's east to come
to the decision that ultimately, it
would be better if you were dead?
Better for you, your friends and
When you're suicidal you consider
everything. You consider what would
bring your loved ones pain. That's
why you hold off for so long. Because
you can't hurt the ones you care
about the most. That's why you try
as hard as you can.
But sometimes you really want to
end all this. The suffering and the
Suicide doesn't happen for
something stupid. People who
commit suicide just because they're
having a bad day or just because
their boyfriend / girlfriend dumped
them, are stupid.
Suicide is because everything is
overwhelming. It's because you lost
all hope and you can't see any light
in your life anymore. It's when your
vision is surrounded by the
There are people who dare to do it...
They jump from a building or in
front of a train... Some of them cut
or hang.
What am I trying to say all this
time? I'm trying to ask just a simple
thing... Why? How does that even
help in the slightest? How does
hurting yourself help?
You're only acting? No? You're
bringing more pain to yourself!!
Listen to me...
There's so much more in this life
than what you're feeling now. All
you have to do, is to stay strong for
just a little bit more. Eventually,
you'll make it through.
How do I know? I've seen many
people going through that... I've had
many friends suffering from that.
Me, myself, I'm still going through
that. We all get low at times, and we
really wish to die...
But listen to me. It's not worth it.
Happiness is not away. You'll never
be truly alone and you'll never be
sad forever. I know that for a fact.
That doesn't mean that you won't
have bad days. We all have bad
days. And I don't think that will ever
change. It's how life works. We get
hurt to get stronger. No one ever
said that life is easy. But indeed life
is meant to be lived. We are going
through a lot and yet still, there is
so much more to come. But you have
to stay strong. You have to keep
fighting. If you are strong enough to
contemplate suicide, you sure are
strong enough to fight on.
You're not alone in this. You'll never
be. We stand together and we fight
Instead of taking the blade every
time you're feeling low, take a
pillow. Shove your face into the
pillow and cry. Cry until you have no
more tears. Why? Because crying
helps. Many people say that crying
proves you're weak. They're wrong.
Crying doesn't mean you're weak, it
means you were strong for too long.
And now it's finally the time to let
go of that. To give in your fears and
fight! You don't have to keep it
inside you anymore. You can open
your eyes now. You can wipe away
your tears. It's over.
You won this battle. Smile. You did
it. You're strong. Now stay that way.
Don't you ever give up.
Don't you ever lose hope. Keep on
looking forward because better days
are coming. One day, you'll look
back on these days and you'll laugh.
I promise you that things will get
better. Whenever that's sooner or
later. You just have to believe it.
Don't think too much...
Thinking is stealing your happiness.
Be happy. Do whatever you want.
Enjoy your life. Don't you ever give
up. Never. We stand together till the
end of the line.
Thank you for reading all this. I
really pray that it helped you.
Have a beautiful day and keep on
Better days are coming. I promise.



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